Moonrise at sunrise as photographed from the International Space Station
Moonrise at sunrise as photographed from the International Space Station
NASA astronaut Christina Koch shot this image of moonrise at sunrise from the International Space Station. (Source: Christina Koch/NASA via Twitter) I spotted this serenely beautiful photo of the crescent moon rising above the limb of the Earth at sunrise on Twitter. I was so taken with it that I just had to share it. It's undated, but this stunning moonrise at sunrise photo was photographed recently by NASA astronaut Christina Koch from the International Space Station. On Oct. 18, K
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Read more Moonrise at sunrise as photographed from the International Space Station
October 30, 2019 at 04:44AM
NASA astronaut Christina Koch shot this image of moonrise at sunrise from the International Space Station. (Source: Christina Koch/NASA via Twitter) I spotted this serenely beautiful photo of the crescent moon rising above the limb of the Earth at sunrise on Twitter. I was so taken with it that I just had to share it. It's undated, but this stunning moonrise at sunrise photo was photographed recently by NASA astronaut Christina Koch from the International Space Station. On Oct. 18, K
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Read more Moonrise at sunrise as photographed from the International Space Station
October 30, 2019 at 04:44AM
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