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An Electric "Humm" To Make You Smarter?

Help scientists track extreme weather this week!

Scientists Propose Dumping Absurd Amounts of Snow On Antarctica To Curb Sea Level Rise

Protests Resume in Hawaii With Start of Thirty Meter Telescope Construction

NASA Bets on a Spacecraft that Can 3-D Print and Self-Assemble in Orbit

Ploonets: When a Planet's Moon Goes Rogue

A dramatic view of Tropical Storm Barry unlike any you may have seen before

Tests For the 'Big Five' Personality Traits Don't Hold Up In Much of the World

Primordial Black Holes Could Solve Major Mysteries — If They Exist

Take the EarthEcho Water Challenge to Protect Local Waterways!

The Mechanical Turk: How a Chess-playing Hoax Inspired Real Computers

Luna 15 Accompanied Apollo 11 to the Moon

The Struggle to Design a More Sustainable Toilet

Life Among the Dwarfs

Really Big Bird Found In Crimea

Long Beach Scuba Show: Catching up with Reef Check and Ocean Sanctuaries

Nanobacteria in the Brain?

Americans Ignore Experts, Continue To Devour Processed Meats

Study shows that Trump's new "Affordable Clean Energy" rule will lead to more CO2 emissions, not fewer

Wildfires rage near Siberia's "mouth of hell" — a giant depression that's getting bigger due to global warming